Isaac Wirth's Final Creative Project Submission for CAMS Transgender Youth Spring 2021

Note: There is currently a bug where the background audio has a delayed start on certain browsers.

For my final in this course, I decided to use my strengths with the Unity game engine and the Fungus plugin to create a brief prototype of an interactive textbook module on how to use different pronouns properly in English.  The core audience of this module would be late middle school/early high school students, who may be unsure about how to properly use less common pronouns around their peers. This activity would most likely be used in conjunction with an English class in school.  The overall goal of this project is to promote trans-inclusive language by incorporating it into standard English classes.

I tried to make the language easy to understand, while still academic and educational. I would hope that something like this would be incorporated into educational curriculum's in the near future. The goal of this activity is to teach students different parts of speech and how to use less common pronouns, while also promoting the normalization of stating pronouns from a day to day basis.  

This is only a prototype with about two weeks of work put into it! I hope that in the future I can keep developing and adding on new and engaging mechanics, that are still educational and clear to understand. My next task I would want to develop is a menu where the player can choose what specific pronouns they want to practice using, and be given a set of problems to solve from there.